Structural monitoring has recently seen rapid development in terms of new hardware systems, data transmission systems, and software to process the transmitted data.

A new physical system for measuring deformations in reinforced concrete structures is being developed as part of the SISCON center’s activities. The system is based on an Italian patent (n. IT20160118077), negli Stati Uniti ed in Europa ed è stato sviluppato operativamente mediante i finanziamenti provenienti da due progetti Proof of Concept che hanno consentito di poter effettuare le prime esperienze sul campo ottenendo very promising results.

The following are the primary benefits of the technology managed by the nascent Startup, Control-Tech, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Torino:
● the high number of sensors that can be installed at a cost comparable to the few sentient units of traditional systems;
● the system is scalable and can be customized according to the applications for existing or new construction works;
● the electronic components are fully integrated in the reinforcing bars and the latter in turn are protected by the concrete cover layer;
● the system is easy to install with minimal invasiveness on site and can also be managed by unskilled personnel.