The growing attention to works of art located along the main transit arteries, whether road or rail, has involved SISCON staff. In particular, collaborations have been developed with motorway concessionaires in implementation of the provisions of the Ministry for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility. The main activities for which SISCON has provided its scientific contribution are reported.

Study of the monitoring process of bridges and viaducts
The surveillance and maintenance of road works of art constitute a fundamental and strategic element for all administrators of road networks, whether these are concessionaires, public or private entities. The management of the works is aimed at defining the types, methods and scheduling of interventions aimed at guaranteeing the overall usability of the structure. The quality of the inspection process is essential for a correct “photograph” of the state of conservation of the artefact. The activity is conducted both through documentary analysis and through on-site inspections (accompanied) designed to ascertain the accuracy and detail of the defect survey. Following the study of the inspection methodology, improvement proposals are formulated, optimized for the weather-climatic conditions, the volume and type of traffic, any peculiarities of the road section.
Development of new techniques and technologies for the inspection and monitoring of infrastructures
New methods are being studied for estimating the stresses acting in the structures, specifically aimed at determining the prestressing state of large span beams.
Study of the technical solutions for the restoration of tunnels, with particular attention to the most significant defects from the point of view of the safety of road users
The choice of the best intervention and monitoring over time, with the evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention are evaluated, case by case, on the basis of the problems highlighted with detailed surveys of the concrete coating (georadar, endoscopy, core sampling).