Bridge 50
The Bridge | 50 project is among the largest research projects on bridge beams currently in Europe and in the world. The partners of the project, in addition to the Politecnico di Torino with the SISCON center are: the Polytechnic of Milan, Lombardi Ingegneria, S.C.R. Piedmont, Piedmont Region, City of Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Turin New Economy, ATI Despe & Perino Piero, ATI Itinera & C.M.B. and the Studio Ing. Luigi Quaranta.
SCR Piemonte per Progetto Bridge|50
The activity includes a broad campaign of experimental investigations on structures taken from a Turin city viaduct demolished in 2019 after approximately 50 years of operation. The test field, where the structures and contrast frame are located, is over 5000 square meters in size and is located in Torino’s Mirafiori neighborhood.
The demolition of the Corso Grosseto viaduct allowed for the installation of 29 prestressed reinforced concrete beams (25 with I-section and 4 with caisson) with a length of 19 m and two pulvini. The planned experimental activities include an initial diagnostic phase, large-scale load tests using the SISCON center’s frame, as well as partial damage induced such as cracking, partial plastic deformations, fire, repairs, and subsequent field and laboratory tests and analyses.

The collected data will form a new knowledge base for road network management bodies and can be used to assess the safety and residual life of existing structures. The findings will help to develop a modern bridge life cycle design as well as the management, maintenance, and safety of existing infrastructure assets.